
Getting Started




Moving an Established Tank




Jeremy's Tank


Under the Tank



The Beginning

Recent Developments

                         Under the Tank


        A lot of things went into making my tank look the way it does. Here is a list of everything that is in the tank stand:


25' Python with universal adapter

Three nets- 5" long, 3", and 2". The nets are hanging from the right cabinet door by screw in hooks.

Extra bag of Onyx Sand

Small basket with:

Stress Coat

Hagen CO2 diffuser

All-glass Silicon

Prefilter Sponge for my powerhead.

Tank Buddies 'No More Algae' tablets. I used 6 of the 8 about two years ago when I had my little 3 gallon tank. I know they are old because there is a PetDump label on them and there is a piece of green gravel that I originally had in that tank.

Tank Buddies 'Ammonia Clear' tablets. Pretty much the same story as the 'No More Algae' tablets.

A few brushes for filter intakes.

Magnetic glass cleaner.

TetraTec 80 air pump

Several feet of tubing

Bubble Disc

QuICK Cure ich medicine

Filter fluff

Long Algae brush

Aquarium cleaning solution

Aquarium salt

U.V. sterilizer box

3 bottles of DiY CO2 inside of an old electrasol bucket. The bottles are all connected to a 3-way valve. From the valve is a CO2 resistant tube with a check valve leading to my diffuser. The bucket is filled with water and the there is a a heater on it from my old tank. I do this to keep the mixtures warm so that they ferment.

Plant fertilizers- Flourish, Flourish Potassium, Flourish Phosphorus, and AP Root Tabs.

Food: Hikari: Algae wafers and sinking wafers, Freeze dried brine shrimp, and freeze dried blood worms. (frozen blood worms are obviously in the freezer)


Veggie Clip

Test Kits: ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, kh, gh & kh.

Nursery/breeder tank

A little container with a deep sea diver and other decorations/fake plants from my old tanks. I never go in it and I am thinking about taking it out.

A box of BioBalls. I needed a few for my CO2 diffuser and the store only had a box of 75. I guess they will just sit there until I get canister filters.

Two power strips where everything except the lights are plugged into.

Big Al's Bucket