
Getting Started




Moving an Established Tank




Jeremy's Tank


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               Moving an Established Tank


        At some point when you have to move an established tank, it is always best to empty the tank completely to prevent it from cracking. Get a few of the big Rubbermaid tubs before you do anything. Siphon the water directly from your tank into them. Fill them about 1/2 to 3/4 full. In one, put your fish and an air stone. In another, put the top layer of your substrate and your filter media. They must be kept moist prevent your bio load from diminishing. The rest of the substrate can be put into a big bucket or something similar because it doesn't matter if it dries out or not. Whatever extra water that is in the tank you can just dump out because it doesn't contain any beneficial bacteria. Once you set up your tank in its new location, add some tap water to it and make sure that it is level. If the tank is not level, it is important to level the stand, not the tank itself because that could lead to cracks. When leveling the stand, use something like plywood and just put as much as needed to make it level. Empty the tap water and put your bottom level of substrate in, followed by the top, moist layer. Fill the tank and add your fish. Go ahead and add more dechlorinated water as necessary.

NOTE: When you are traveling, leave the lid of the tub with your fish in it closed. Opening it repeatedly will stress them out more. I would also recommend setting your tank up a closely as possible to the way it was before the move so the fish know that they are still in the same home and will be less stressed.